Most people, who struggle with the effects of early trauma, don’t even know about CPTSD. But they’re familiar with the following symptoms:

- Emotional Dysregulation: You experience uncontrollable emotional outburts around others and don't know really why.
- Toxic Shame: Deep inside, you feel wrong and not good enough.
- Anxious & Avoidant Attachment: One of your biggest challenges is to maintain healthy relationships, where you feel safe & committed.
- Overwhelm & Overarousal: You often fell "too sensitive" or thin-skinned around other people, so you have to withdraw.
- Procrastination: You keep putting off tasks that others would have done long ago and don't even know why.
- People Pleasing & Perfectionism: You try to be perfect around other people and do whatever is needed to keep them happy, but abandon yourself constantly.
- Dissociation & Freezing: You sometimes feel disconnected from yourself, numb and withdrawn, like being in a tunnel.
- Limerence: When dating someone, you become obsessive with that person and have high hopes & expectations of them.
- Flashbacks & Panic: You have nightmares and moments in your life, where you felt helpless and panicky, especially in your relationships.
- Somatic Symptoms: You struggle with medically unexplainable symptoms like pressure and pain in your gut, chest or throat, irritable bowel syndrome or chronic fatigue.